Still catching up after Christmas etc, but I thought I would make time to add to the annual Valentine’s festivities.
First up we have a poem I wrote concerning love for a cat, an elegy in two parts. Although I don’t have cats at home do like them, this is in memory of my Aunt’s cat Pebbles who used to greet me each time I went to the Lake District to see family.
Cat Love, an Elegy.
i. We Two
My love is returned.
Unconditional and eager, on seeing me you rush to re-bond,
reclose our void of absence.
I love you in return.
Warmly resting on my lap, curled like a child you sleep.
Secure: our even breaths the hours mark,
as devotion together we keep.
ii. Goodbye to Birds
Birds sing at dawn till the sun’s rays shine true.
They sing at dusk, till stars in black
come though the deepening blue.
calling you to kitten games of catch.
Then you presented them to me,
sad trophies of feline affection.
Now birds will sing at dusk.
You can no longer catch them, so they will,
sing your small soul to peace,
while my broken heart beats still.
From: “The Secrets Summer Keeps” (Love Poems Volume 1)
This poem © Louis J. Casson 2010 All rights reserved.
Making room: deleting some options to focus on others, my 2012 plans...
The above title is related to Solution Focused Coaching which I’ve been reading up on again lately along with Transpersonal coaching.
Rather than make the usual New Year resolutions which, usually I don’t keep, I decided to take a short time out period to recharge the batteries and consider what future directions my new poetry/arts projects will take.
Last year I made:
An album of poems with music on iTunes - “Love and Blues”, by Casson/Sheinman,
A new poetry book - “See You in the Big Time” on Amazon Kindle,
Various MP3 audio files of poem readings
Plus taster books of Reggae and Blues poems!
More than enough, time for a pause and a break! Thank you to all who downloaded the taster book offers or bought the books or iTunes album. Much appreciated.
I ‘ll keep you in the loop re my plans for 2012.
Time for another love poem. This is a newly written one, about constant thoughts of the other, which all other events somehow never push the thoughts out of mind.
The lines gave a Haiku like sparcity, but that is how they came to me. I sometimes think my best poems are so brief they almost don’t exist...
You = all numbers and none
You are number three on my list.
Not for any intentional reasonjust that one and two came
then you are three.Don’t be disheartened at this event.
The list is in progress and soonadding four and five
you’ll be in the middle centre
heart core slice.Feeling better?
Sadly I’m one for lists and list making.So soon six and seven come along
then more and moreeach virgin white line
despoiled and used.first to do.
I intend to cross you off as done first thing.Well…I tried.
Lists and lines and numbers.
Making a list and you there
companion in thoughtbeside me.
whether lines or none.Number X or Y listed
or not.Present throughout
always you win.Louis’ Digital Jukebox.
Here’s the links to my music selection for this month, some traditional folksongs about love ...
“O my Love is like a red red Rose”, sung by Kenneth McKellar
“On the banks of Allen Water”
A very old recording, but the only one I could find on Youtube with sung words. A haunting Scots ballad.
Jimmy Shand: the Blue Bell Polka / The Northern Lights of Aberdeen.
(this will get your toes tapping!)
The same tune but a remix with 50 Cent and Jimmy Shand. A seriously weird yet wonderful mash up!
That’s all for now folks, till my next Blog due in April take care.
Happy Valentine’s!
Best wishes, Louis J
See more about Louis J. Casson on Behance: